Why Do You Need Breast Reduction Singapore?

Having a huge size breast may sound sexy for some, but it may have many issues for the women who are their owners. Many women hate being large-breasted as they often suffer back, shoulder and neck pain, experience difficulty in finding dresses that look decent and handle daily taunts and teasing by some foolish men.

Nowadays, science and technology have provided a powerful solution known as breast reduction which will reduce the size of the boobs, giving large-chested women a new life. A mammaplasty is a surgical method of decreasing the size of the breasts. In this treatment, excessive breast fat, skin and glandular tissues are removed to achieve a size that is correct in proportion to the body of the women who is undergoing the treatment. This process will eliminate the physical & emotional pains and discomfort that a woman has to undergo due to overly large breasts.

oie_ZuIYWvE8VJqMA good candidate for the treatment must be positive towards the procedure and will be in good mental and physical health. She should be going through the reduction process for her own reasons. During initial check up, the plastic surgeon who will perform the surgery will physically examine the patient’s breasts. This may include taking images and use it in a software to estimate the results. The surgeon will analyse the breast size and shape as well as skin conditions prior to the treatment.

The reduction surgery take up to four hours and is performed under general anesthesia. After mammaplasty, breasts are wrapped in a supportive undergarment and dis-solvable stitches are often used which does not require any stitch-removal sitting. You will have to be more careful for just 3-4 days after the surgery. Try to avoid bending over, lifting things and wearing round neck Tshirts. Many people go back to work two weeks after the surgery.

For a successful breast reduction Singapore, you need to find an experienced and well-versed surgeon who can perform reduction mammaplasty easily to give appropriate results. Plastytalk is a place where you can find contacts of top-rated Breast Reduction doctors, package details and other information about the procedure.

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